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A campaign to save energy at the University of Luxembourg

Company profile

Founded in 2003, the University of Luxembourg is a public higher education and research institution. It boasts 3 faculties, 4 interdisciplinary centres and 3 campuses (Belval, Kirchberg, Limpertsberg). With almost 7,000 students, including 1,000 PhD students, 2,400 members of staff, including 300 professors, it is ranked among the top 250 universities in the world by THE (Times Higher Education).


Reducing energy consumption

Like many other public institutions, the University of Luxembourg took action during the Zesumme Spueren campaign to set an example by reducing its gas consumption during the winter of 2022-2023. For this reason, it launched an awareness-raising campaign among its employees to encourage them to adopt energy-saving behaviour.
In addition to the more technical aspects of managing its buildings, the University wished to mobilise its community in support of possible energy savings to encourage behavioural changes and achieve long-term sustainable results.


Developing a holistic approach

To meet this goal and the relevant economic requirements, the University of Luxembourg designed a holistic approach that incorporates both technical interventions and behavioural changes. In terms of technical solutions,
they identified specific measures necessary to optimiser the heating, power supply and cooling management of the buildings.


Technical measures and behavioural interventions

The campaign was officially launched in 2022. The University introduced a dedicated intranet page, effectively centralising the technical and behavioural actions taken as part of the initiative. In terms of technical measures, the heating of its buildings was optimised. The temperature of the premises has been limited to 20°C during the day and 16°C at night and on weekends, contributing to a more efficient energy use. Furthermore, weekend and holiday opening hours were reorganised to further reduce energy consumption.

As for its electricity consumption, a number of strategic adjustments were put in place. The brightness of common areas was reviewed, so that every other light source can be turned off provided that the minimum legal requirement (in terms of brightness) is met. A similar review and adjustment was carried out to the ventilation systems in the auditoriums and laboratories, by installing motion detectors in auditoriums to shut off ventilation when the rooms are unoccupied.

In terms of human behaviour, the campaign focused on raising awareness on multiple fronts:

  • Members of the university community were made aware of the importance and their impact on reducing heating consumption, while at the same time ensuring that their offices stay properly ventilated.
  • To promote a reduced electricity consumption, the university raised awareness on the appropriate use of lighting in common areas, corridors and offices, as well as how to efficiently use personal electronic equipment, such as computers and monitors at night, at weekends and when working from home.


Lower energy consumption

The University of Luxembourg closely monitored its energy consumption from late 2022 to the end of May 2023, introducing energy-saving measures starting in October 2022. The results show a considerable 19.2% reduction in heat consumption in its buildings at Belval, Kirchberg and Limpertsberg as compared with the same period the previous year, and even a reduction of almost 25% when compared with the average from 2019 to 2021. These measures have resulted in estimated savings of around €600,000 and a reduction of 311 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, accounting for 6% of emissions linked to energy consumption. The impact on electricity consumption by staff and students is less pronounced, with around a 3% reduction from June 2022 to May 2023 compared with the previous 12 months and more than 5% compared with 2019-2021.

Energy savings on IT equipment

How to reduce electricity costs through intelligent use of IT equipment

The growing use of IT equipment inevitably leads to an increase in energy consumption, whether due to the execution of software applications, communications via LAN/Wi-Fi networks, etc.

The link between IT equipment and energy consumption is not directly visible, as electricity consumption is not dissociated from the other electrical installations available within the company.

Carrying out a sustainable IT diagnostic enables company managers and employees to optimise their digital environmental footprint and consumption.

Continue reading “Energy savings on IT equipment”

Hall and workshop heating

Adaptations for heating halls and workshops

Company halls and workshops, often characterised by large open spaces and high ceilings, present a particular challenge when it comes to installing an energy-efficient, targeted heating system. The ideal heating system for halls must therefore be able to heat the different work areas individually and produce heat at the right height.

Halls and workshops have specific heating requirements due to their size and use. It is therefore essential to carry out a thorough requirements analysis before installing a new heating system.

Continue reading “Hall and workshop heating”

Optimising the cold production system

Controlling the operation and running costs of your company’s cold production system

Cold production is used to cool a room or an element, preserve food products, control the temperature of a process, or activate air conditioning.

Optimising the performance of components and their use leads to significant reductions in electricity consumption. In addition to the cold production unit, this also includes the distribution system and the cooling system.

Continue reading “Optimising the cold production system”

Optimising the operation of existing cold rooms

Keeping your company’s cold rooms running smoothly

In food production and related sectors such as catering, sales and gastronomy, respect of the cold chain is essential. Cold rooms are essential for establishments handling large quantities of food. The electricity consumption of this equipment is very high, especially during the summer months. It is therefore crucial to optimise its use.

The approach described below helps to optimise the use of the system.

Continue reading “Optimising the operation of existing cold rooms”

Installation of a new domestic hot water (DHW) production system

Changing your domestic hot water system

The use of domestic hot water varies from company to company. In some cases, it is used for sanitary installations and cooking, while in others, hot water is used for manufacturing or to assist in the production of materials or services. As a result, it is important to put in place the right solution, tailored to the specific situation.

Below is an approach that shows the stages and benefits of changing your domestic hot water (DHW) production system.

Continue reading “Installation of a new domestic hot water (DHW) production system”

Electricity savings thanks to server infrastructure

How to reduce electricity costs thanks to your company’s server infrastructure

In most companies, the need for a server room has become a matter of course. Unfortunately, information on the energy consumption of the technological equipment used is not necessarily available prior to installation. IT infrastructures require a lot of energy and represent high costs, which are generally accepted as they are. However, there is great potential for savings.

With a view to optimising the server infrastructure, the following steps indicate a recommended analysis approach.

Continue reading “Electricity savings thanks to server infrastructure”

Heating a swimming pool with solar collectors combined with an industrial heat pump at the “Nommerlayen” campsite

Company profile

In the village of Nommern, Europacamping Nommerlayen offers 380 pitches for mobile homes and 22 fixed accommodations (mobile homes, cottages and chalets). The management believes that sustainability plays a fundamental role in the development of their business.

The campsite offers a wide range of entertainment and sporting activities across the complex. These include the aquatic complex at the heart of the campsite, which include a swimming pool, a sauna and a fitness centre.


Pool heated by a combination of solar collectors and a heat pump

Ever since the swimming pool went into operation, it has been heated by solar thermal collectors, provided the weather permits. The campsite operators are still very satisfied with this type of heating system.

Consequently, a second wave of solar collectors was installed a few years ago. The principle is quite straightforward: the water from the pool is pumped through the collectors and heated in the process.

However, given that the sun does not shine all the time, an auxiliary gas boiler covers any additional demand.

One of the campsite’s objectives was to find a new, sustainable heating solution and reduce energy costs: The industrial heat pump proved to be the ideal solution.


Replacing the gas boiler with a heat pump

The campsite management consulted their heating engineer to find out about the various technologies available on the market.
They opted for an industrial heat pump. After consulting two different manufacturers about the design and estimated costs of the system, they found a solution that best suited their needs in terms of size, requirements and use.

The low water temperature of the pool (below 30 °C) is also an advantage in terms of using the heat pump, which achieves a higher efficiency at this temperature than with heating at 36 °C.
Regarding the control system, it was important to continue to have the ability to switch between solar and heat pump based heating.

For the financing, Europacamping Nommerlayen also took steps to obtain an investment subsidy from the Ministry of the Economy.


Installing the heat pump

In 2021, work began on the new heating system.

As the campsite operates on a seasonal basis, the installation had to be completed by spring. This deadline was met because the campsite operator was able to carry out the preliminary work to install the new heat pump themselves. The entire system was then installed in just a few days by the heating engineer, calibrated and put into operation immediately afterwards.

The campsite team worked closely with the heating contractor to ensure an efficient installation of the industrial heat pump. The work was completed in just over a week.


Successful integration of the industrial heat pump

Since the installation of the new industrial heat pump, the campsite has been able to complete their transition from natural gas for pool heating.

Thanks to an intelligent operating mode between the solar collectors and the newly installed heat pump, the installation has delivered energy savings and drastically reduced gas consumption.