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Improving the energy efficiency of the building envelope

Craft Industry
Agriculture, viticulture
Aid and care sector
[ Simplified version of the measure ]
Last update: 01/02/2024
  • Available tools
  • Subsidies available

To make this measure more effective and tailored to the specific context of your company, we recommend that you first perform an overall analysis of your energy situation.

Optimising the operating costs associated with the energy efficiency of your company’s building envelope

Much of the heating energy is lost through leaks in the poorly insulated or non-insulated building envelope. Improving the building envelope will therefore lead to considerable savings in heating and/or cooling requirements

Questions to ask yourself before starting to optimise the building envelope

  • What year was the building built?
  • Have any changes been made to the building?
  • Are there any repairs to be made to the building?
  • What are the heating requirements in relation to the heated surface area?
  • Is heating being wasted in buildings?
  • What is the condition of the building envelope, foundations and cellar?

Implementation aid

Contact us

I would like more information on:

  • Fit 4 Sustainability
  • Government subsidies
  • Support
  • Identifying partners

I would like more information on:

  • Klimabonus subsidies or photovoltaic and electromobility subsidy programmes
  • A technical aspect of the measure
  • A specific tool
  • A technical aspect of the site (404 link, etc.)

Contact Klima-Agence