Individual behaviour has a major influence on resource consumption. To make employees aware of the impact of their actions, an awareness campaign is ideal.
The details below provide guidelines for setting up a staff awareness campaign, to ensure responsibility and lasting commitment to the themes of energy, resources, and climate within the organisation.
Optimising the operating costs associated with the energy efficiency of your company’s building envelope
Much of the heating energy is lost through leaks in the poorly insulated or non-insulated building envelope. Improving the building envelope will therefore lead to considerable savings in heating and/or cooling requirements.
Controlling good ventilation and the operating costs associated with your company’s centralised ventilation system
The main function of a ventilation system is to ensure a pleasant climate and high air quality within the establishment. This need is associated with energy consumption (generally in continuous service) and must be used in the best possible way.
The heating installation: an important leverage point in the energy transition
The heat production unit is a major leverage point for a successful energy transition. As its primary purpose is to supply heat for comfort and operational needs, the heating system must be scaled to provide the temperature levels and necessary quantities to keep the business running. Nowadays, there are heat production systems that are adapted to each temperature level are flexible in terms of power and are environmentally friendly.
Ensuring efficient heating system performance in the workplace
The production of heat for premises and production processes represents a major cost factor. To reduce heating costs, This is why it is essential to ensure that the heating system operates correctly and is as economical as possible. This also includes all peripheral installations, heat production and distribution.