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Bakery: heat recovery from oven fumes

Waste heat recovery in oven exhaust system (baking ovens)

The project consists in installing a heat exchanger to capture the waste heat from the oven to heat the bakery store and to produce domestic hot water.

Installing this technology, which has been available on the market for more than 5 years, will allow the company to save up to 20% on its electricity consumption as well as reduce its carbon footprint by up to 20%. This measure is rather complex to implement, would entail a medium-to-long term return on investment, and requires a production shutdown during installation.

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Bakery: ultrasonic humidification of dough

Ultrasonic humidification in the proofing chamber

The project involves replacing hot steam generation with humidification based on ultrasonic low-temperature water mist.

Installing this technological innovation can allow the company to save up to 95% on electricity consumption during the humidification stage, as well as 5% during the cold generation stage. This measure is not easy to implement and would entail a medium-to-long term return on investment. The measure does not require a production shutdown while the technology is being installed.

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Bakery: installation of reflective coating in baking ovens

Application of reflective coatings (baking ovens)

Reflective coatings can be applied on the plates as well as on the interior walls and burners of existing ovens or on new installations. The coatings are made of high-emissivity ceramic materials which increase the energy efficiency of the oven by absorbing heat and returning it to the product in the form of infrared radiation, thus reducing the heat input via the burner.

By installing this new technology, the company will save up to 20% on gas consumption and also reduce its carbon footprint by around 20%. This measure is easy to implement, has a quick return on investment, and does not require a production shutdown during installation.

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Bakery: installation of a multi-level baking oven

Replacement of a traditional oven with a multi-level oven (baking ovens)

The project consists in replacing a conventional oven that does not allow to bake different products simultaneously with a multi-level oven that optimises the capacity of the oven, thus reducing its operating time for the same production.

Installing this technology, which has been available on the market for more than 5 years, will allow the company to save up to 10% on its electricity consumption as well as somewhat reduce its carbon footprint. While the cost of energy alone cannot justify this measure, it allows greater flexibility and potentially an optimisation of baking time and therefore an increase in yield. This measure is not easy to implement and requires a production shutdown during installation.

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Staff awareness campaign

Running awareness campaigns within your company

Individual behaviour has a major influence on resource consumption. To make employees aware of the impact of their actions, an awareness campaign is ideal.

The details below provide guidelines for setting up a staff awareness campaign, to ensure responsibility and lasting commitment to the themes of energy, resources, and climate within the organisation.

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Energy savings on IT equipment

How to reduce electricity costs through intelligent use of IT equipment

The growing use of IT equipment inevitably leads to an increase in energy consumption, whether due to the execution of software applications, communications via LAN/Wi-Fi networks, etc.

The link between IT equipment and energy consumption is not directly visible, as electricity consumption is not dissociated from the other electrical installations available within the company.

Carrying out a sustainable IT diagnostic enables company managers and employees to optimise their digital environmental footprint and consumption.

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Hall and workshop heating

Adaptations for heating halls and workshops

Company halls and workshops, often characterised by large open spaces and high ceilings, present a particular challenge when it comes to installing an energy-efficient, targeted heating system. The ideal heating system for halls must therefore be able to heat the different work areas individually and produce heat at the right height.

Halls and workshops have specific heating requirements due to their size and use. It is therefore essential to carry out a thorough requirements analysis before installing a new heating system.

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Optimising the cold production system

Controlling the operation and running costs of your company’s cold production system

Cold production is used to cool a room or an element, preserve food products, control the temperature of a process, or activate air conditioning.

Optimising the performance of components and their use leads to significant reductions in electricity consumption. In addition to the cold production unit, this also includes the distribution system and the cooling system.

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Optimising the operation of existing cold rooms

Keeping your company’s cold rooms running smoothly

In food production and related sectors such as catering, sales and gastronomy, respect of the cold chain is essential. Cold rooms are essential for establishments handling large quantities of food. The electricity consumption of this equipment is very high, especially during the summer months. It is therefore crucial to optimise its use.

The approach described below helps to optimise the use of the system.

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