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Launch conference « Klimapakt fir Betriber »


In response to the climate emergency and the current energy crisis, the government is launching the “Klimapakt fir Betriber” programme to guide Luxembourg companies through this situation. The launch of the Klimapakt fir Betriber on Tuesday 10 January 2023 was an opportunity for the various partners in the government programme, whose operational management is provided by Klima-Agence and Luxinnovation, to present their support measures for companies wishing to make efforts in terms of decarbonisation and energy transition.

At the launch conference, the Minister for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Lex Delles, the Minister for Economic Affairs, Franz Fayot, the Minister for Energy and Spatial Planning, Claude Turmes, and the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, Joëlle Welfring, will discuss the importance of the “Klimapakt fir Betriber” and outline the government’s current commitments.

Dedicated support tools

Klima-Agence, in collaboration with Luxinnovation and in close partnership with the relevant industries, supports companies by offering them easily accessible and attractive support, through an integrated catalogue of standardised measures including advice, a toolbox, co-financing for investments and contacts with key players and other companies. This catalogue will form the core of the klimapaktfirbetriber.lu portal and will go online in early spring.

Klima-Agence, as a national partner in energy and climate issues for private individuals, local authorities, professionals and state institutions, benefits from expertise rooted at local, regional and municipal level, which it also makes available to companies through programmes such as the FEDIL Voluntary Agreement and various support tools for energy efficiency and climate protection. This growing portfolio of tools includes the national solar cadastre, a networking tool for charging infrastructure projects, a list of planners for photovoltaic projects, and a guide to planning charging infrastructure. core/paragraph

Its expertise in the management and ongoing development of the Climate Pact for municipalities since 2013 also enables Klima-Agence to facilitate the promotion of the Klimapakt fir Betriber at regional level by harnessing the synergies between the various initiatives. In the spring, the organisation of a roadshow to meet companies will create decentralised forums for exchange and showcase the various Klimapakt fir Betriber instruments.


Here you will find the presentations from the launch conference, which you can download and consult at your leisure.

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