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Klimapakt fir Betriber: supporting businesses in their efforts to decarbonise and transition to a low-carbon energy future

Energy and climate policy: accompanying Luxembourg businesses

Klimpakt fir Betriber is an initiative of the Luxembourg government (Ministry of the Economy, Department for Support to SMEs, and the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity), with the participation of Klima-Agence and Luxinnovation, to support companies in decarbonisation and energy transition through a structured and coordinated approach facilitating the use of various initiatives, programmes, support and financial subsidies.

Discover the measures you can implement in your business

The current site offers a catalogue of ready-to-apply measures and innovative solutions that Luxembourg businesses, large and small, can implement. The measures can vary in scope: from installing a photovoltaic system to applying for subsidies or developing a renovation concept. Start your search by identifying the sector of activity for which you would like to find out about existing measures.

The partners in the Klimapakt fir Betriber programme

The Klimapakt fir Betriber programme is operated by Klima-Agence and Luxinnovation in partnership with the relevant industries.


The role of Klima-Agence, as a national partner for energy and climate issues, is to facilitate the creation of a catalogue of standardised measures that make the most of the resources available for implementation at national level, to promote the programme at regional level by developing partnerships with local authorities involved in the Climate Pact for municipalities, to provide its expertise in energy transition and climate protection, and to develop tools to facilitate the prioritisation and implementation of measures according to the needs of the businesses concerned.


In the context of Klimapakt fir Betriber, Luxinnovation, the national innovation agency, is helping businesses to become more sustainable and reduce their carbon footprint through innovation. Dedicated services are grouped together in the Sustainability Innovation Hub, which includes the “Fit 4 Sustainability” programme, access to financial subsidies and pilot projects aimed at developing sustainable solutions for groups of companies in specific areas of activity or by type of business. In order to facilitate the adoption by companies of appropriate innovative products, services, solutions and technologies, Luxinnovation has produced a map of sustainability facilitators.

An initiative in close partnership with the relevant industries

A steering committee accompanies the implementation of the Klimapakt fir Betriber programme in order to carry out a strategic follow-up of the approach and to reinforce the collaboration and close consultation of the partners around the theme of energy transition and the decarbonisation of businesses. In addition to the ministries concerned, Klima-Agence and Luxinnovation, this committee is made up of the following organisations: